If you’ve been injured in a multi-car accident that you did not cause, you may be able to file a claim against more than one party. Multiple car accident claims are usually complicated, and establishing who is at fault can be challenging. An experienced car accident lawyer can help you recover your damages from the party or parties responsible for harming you. The importance of working with a skilled car accident attorney in cases like these cannot be overemphasized. There are several reasons for this.
Determining Fault
Many car accidents are straightforward when it comes to determining who caused it and therefore whose insurance company should pay the victim. However, the more variables that are involved, the more difficult it becomes to prove who is at fault. Some of the most common variables include:
- The number of vehicles involved in the accident. When an accident involves only one or two cars, it’s easier to determine how the accident happened. When three or more cars were in an accident, it takes more time and resources to prove who did what, when, where, and why. Also, the more vehicles there are, the more insurance companies, lawyers, and drivers may claim they are the victim and are not responsible for paying for your damages.
- Road conditions played a part in the accident. Hazardous road conditions, whether a commercial truck dumped debris, or the municipality approved a badly designed or constructed roadway, your car accident attorney may advise naming a third-party as a plaintiff.
- A mechanical issue contributed to the accident. When a critical auto part such as the brakes, a tire, or airbag fails, serious or fatal injuries can result if the driver loses control and results in an accident.
Proving Fault
Unfortunately, determining who is at fault for your injury is often not sufficient to recover your damages. It usually requires proof that the party or parties contributed to causing your accident. Establishing who is responsible can get more challenging if there are multiple parties as each one may point fingers at the others. A car accident lawyer Memphis TN residents often turn to can help you prove who should pay for your injury-related damages by doing any or all of the following on your behalf:
- Accident forensic investigation. Experienced car accident lawyers often work with professional car accident investigators. These specialists will visit the scene of the accident and take measurements, photographs, and collect other evidence to determine what happened and who was likely responsible.
- Interview witnesses. Car accident lawyers have the level of skills and experience necessary to gleam important information from people who witnessed a car accident. Your lawyer may uncover critical details that even the responding law enforcement officer missed. If your claim is rejected or the insurance company refuses to offer a fair settlement, your lawyer may recommend proceeding with a lawsuit. Witnesses can then be called to the stand to testify on your behalf.
In car accidents when more than one party is responsible, it can be possible to recover your damages in full by pursuing multiple claims. However, an experienced car accident lawyer is probably your best bet to help you get justice.
Thanks to our friends and contributors from Darrell Castle and Associates, PLLC, for their insight into car accidents.