Life is a risk, and accidents are an unavoidable part of life. Every day, one form of accident or the other happens with varying degree of seriousness. When an accident happens, the law requires statements from the people involved to know the causes and establish remedy.
If you are involved in an accident, what statements are you expected to make?
Things to Include in Your Statement After Accident
When giving statement on accident you were involved, the following questions are important to answer:
• What you were doing when the accident happened?
• Where you were going when it happened.
• What happened immediately before the crash occurred?
• What happened immediately after?
• What was the attitude of the other driver in the crash, did they look drunk or behave erratic?
• Do you have witnesses at the scene of accident and state if you have their details?
• What damages happened?
• Any other significant incident that may be helpful?
Statements After an Accident are Legal Matters
The consequences of an accident are many and statements help to resolve issues that follow. A car accident will involve the police, the insurance company and possibly medics. A victim’s statements contribute to determine what actions to take after an accident. Therefore, the law requires the police to investigate accidents when they happen.
The purpose of investigating an accident is to know the cause. There is the need find out who is at fault and take desirable action at resolving damages arising from the incident and prevent future occurrence.
Are you mandated to give statements after a car accident?
While you have the obligation to provide statements for purposes of resolving issues from the accident, a warning is necessary here. You don’t have to say anything until you talk to your lawyer. A Phoenix car accident lawyer can guide you on how to protect your rights. Even if you keep quiet, the police conclude, and issue you a ticket, you can go to court to tell your side of the story under the guidance of a competent accident lawyer.
Get an Accident Lawyer
Getting a personal injury lawyer to study your case and guide you on what best statements to make will help your chances of winning your case. You will find their professional legal counsel helpful in the post-accident challenges you might face.
Thanks to our friends and contributors from Alex & Associates, P.C. for their insight into personal injury practice.